Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Nearing the end of the school year...

I've been reading about e-portfolios (particularly Jeff's "True E-Folios for Students), at the same time our upper-level teachers are scurrying to get their 8th graders where they need to be for the end of the year. A lot of time is being spent on "getting it all in" and I wonder why it isn't a natural part of what goes on in the classroom throughout the entire year? Digital portfolios are agonized over at this same time every year, and to me, it's pointless.

Spend less of this time agonizing and more time figuring out a proactive plan! Sounds simple, right...?


  1. I get what you are saying about the "getting it all in". We are in the midst of a change at the high school level to a grading more based on competency & performance. I see the creation of eportfolios to be a very natural part of this process. But I worry that we too might get a point where May & June become getting it done, rather than an ongoing process of tracking learning throughout the high school journey.

  2. Exactly! I had a conversation with our computer lab assistant today, and both of us are frustrated. We see ways to implement technology on different levels to make the portfolio process easier, but it falls on deaf ears. We keep squeaking, however!
