Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Podcasts in school

Must be the day for my brain to ponder, and then be able to translate thoughts into words...

I was reading (Jeff, again) "Sharing Podcasts Across Your Network" and I had the coolest thought. Why couldn't the newsletter for our PreK-8 school become a podcast, with our students reading the class news? (Talk about going green - the paper that is wasted on this is tremendous!) The link could be accessed through the school's website, and with no pictures or otherwise identifying information....I think I may just put an e-mail into my administrator and our head of technology.

And, wouldn't that go into the students digital portfolios as well?! Hmmmm...


  1. i love this idea lisa! and, i bet it would be very compelling and engaging to "hear" the newsletter through the voice of children. good luck!

  2. Great idea. I am sure the parents would do a better job absorbing the information...lots more meaningful.

  3. Update:
    I did email both my principal and our tech head - it's a go! I'm so excited, and have the summer to work it out for the coming school year!

  4. That's great news, Lisa! As Lise said, the information is likely to be more meaningful to parents, and it's also likely to make it much easier for them to remember to check in on it more often. It's a way for the community to grow and for more and more connections to be built. Maybe you can even have a podcast early on that explains RSS feeds so they don't have to remember to go hunting for updates!

  5. One thing at a time! Ha ha ha!
    I'm hoping to do a press release when the time comes - this way our community can read our news also. There are plenty of supportive people out there who would love to hear more about what's going on in a school their taxes support!
