Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Testing, testing, testing....

I'm reading a couple of good articles right now on project based learning and assessment, and as it happens, our school is also immersed in our spring testing window.

Funny or sad? One second grade class got 20 minutes into the test before the proctor realized that they were, you guessed it, taking the wrong test. The teacher brought them over to my story corner, read to them, explained what happened, while the proctor then reset for the correct test. The students went back to the computers, finished up their correct tests, and left. Not one student complained, fussed, whined... Is that normal? Or, because they have been subjected to computerized assessments since kindergarten, this is what they have come to expect?!

Personally, I found it kind of sad.


  1. I don't know...I wouldn't think of it as sad. I guess I'd think of it as showing resilience and a sense of perspective. My impression is that kids now see the tests as more of an evaluation tool rather than thinking of them as intimidating and judgmental.

  2. I look at how another school in our district approaches testing - with pep rallies, signs, constant encouragement, etc. - and then there's us. The students dread it and to be honest, the staff does as well. Oh, we understand the concept, even though some of us don't agree with all of it, but it does wreak havoc in every part of our school.
